Andy’s toys escape through a trash chute and wind up in a garbage truck, which takes them to a landfill, where they are about to be destroyed by a trash shredder.

The toys later learn that Sunnyside is a toy prison run by Lotso, who turns out to be a disgruntled ruler of the daycare toys. Andy’s toys explain that they were donated to the Sunnyside Daycare center, run by a friendly stuffed bear named Lotso. Three of Andy’s toys – Hamm, Rex and Slinky Dog – tell Bonnie’s original toys about an adventure they had prior to being donated to Bonnie. Now 17 years old, Andy has donated his toys to a girl named Bonnie before leaving for college. Toy Story 3: The Video Game is a platform game loosely based on the 2010 Pixar film Toy Story 3. Download Toy Story 3: The Video Game for free on PC – this page will show you how to download and install the full version of Toy Story 3: The Video Game on PC.